Thursday, 21 November 2013

The common knowledge collection

Information sharing through playing games and reading scripts at 32 Lewisham Way, Goldsmith University.

Through playing with printed dialogue from a series of pervious conversations about common knowledge participants became actors, directors and analysts. They were confronted by their own inherent, unacknowledged social knowledge and behaviours, bringing how they interacted with a perceived 'institution', without consciously thinking about it, into view.

It was a game, it was fun!

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

The Knowledge Forum. Part one: Common Knowledge Collection

This is the Knowledge Forum:

It is the creation of a space in which we can look at how information is shared, received and acknowledged.

For the first part of this project I am collecting information from groups who have 'place' in common. 

If you would like to talk to me, share your Common Knowledge and for it to be listened to and enjoyed by even more people, get in touch! I would love to speak to you.  I am focusing on  Information Retrieval until November 29th 2013 so book in before then. Talk soon!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Eyes For Glittering Objects

A new piece of work to come out of working from the exhibition...

Eyes For Glittering Objects

Assembled from lifestyle magazine images and disposable household items Eyes For Glittering Objects plays with the 2 dimensional nature of desire, aspiration and status.

This work is purposefully playful and constructed with a philosophy rooted in Brechtian theory.

Mixed media assemblage

Mid-way-point. sort of.

Here how the exhibition looks right now...

late opening...

Sorry for the silence, here's a new project to make up for it.

I'd been saving my new work to launch my new look exciting website, however it is taking a little longer than planned... as way of an apology here is what I am up to at this very moment!

Double bill! exhibition

Sunday 21st - Saturday 27th July 13:00 - 17:00 2013

The Artworks project space at The Barbican Art Trust Studios, Blackhorse Lane will combine elements of exhibition and workshop to create a week long exploration of how we use, share and occupy space.

The show will consist of participatory sculptural installation. I will be present and making new work in response to workshops and discussions throughout the exhibition. Please come along to talk, make, share!

i made a tool to measure space

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The objects consist of different coloured fabric sections which refer to Edward T Hall's proximity space: In his theory 18" = Intimate space, 48” = Personal space, 144” = social space & 300” = public space. It explores the idea of Hall’s definitive and definite rule, how it works in reality and how it can be used to define/redefine our own space.

It is constructed with a Brechtian philosophy in mind and attempts to physically manifest the absurdity of theories used to manage and understand society. It is an exploration the societal notions and expectations of how we occupy spaces and gives a means to play in this arena.

i am surrounded by objects that define me

//            //            //           

This project follows an earlier body of work "some even grew rich and became the object of their neighbours envy" and continues to explore status and the notion of aspirational objects.

This is first event in a year-long project researching making, sharing and subsequent archiving.