Friday, 17 December 2010

moving on...

following the work "the study of nests" and a throw back to work i made a few years ago like "fabric sandcastles" and "hiding" (which can be seen on here somewhere) I have been looking at shared spaces and our relationship to them. I have been making some drawings and notes and bits and decided to start to create real/imagined/longed for spaces physically. Here is a first draft:

homage to home: about my brother

used fabric, projector
installation studio view

I am not sure about the over head projector yet... I'm trying out an 8mm film projector so we'll see how that goes.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Celeste Prize at The Invisible Dog Gallery, New York

From about 3:52:00 onwards I nearly get it... it was an amazing weekend with some amazing people.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

a little revisit

this is one of my favorite pieces and I feel it has been a little neglected. Probably because it is nearly impossible to take a decent picture of it! oh well, here it is again... it being at the top of my page makes me feel a little better.

I am glad you are happy.

Knitting 2008

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Monday, 18 October 2010

The Study Of Nests. Work for Ornamental.

 here is the completed project. I am also working on accompanying drawings... running short of time though!

Friday, 10 September 2010

The study of nests. Work for Ornamental.

The work is taking shape for the group show Ornamental... I am looking at the formation of safe spaces. 
(Please excuse the in-need-of-a-paint walls in my studio!)

The study of nests
Used bedding fabric.

Red Gate Gallery presents

An exhibition of contemporary art inspired by pattern, decoration and repetition featuring artists Nicola Anthony, Denise Hickey, Evelin Kasikov, Daisy McMullan, Laura Traver, Alana Tyson

Private View: Friday 29th October 2010 – 6.00 to 11.00 pm
Exhibition runs from:          
Friday 29th October – Thursday 4th November 2010

Gallery Opening Hours:      
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri: 11.00 am to 6.30 pm
Sat: 12.30pm - 5.00 pm         

Last day of Exhibition:        Thursday 4th November: 10.00am to 5.00pm

Ornamental brings together the work of six female artists whose work centres around themes of decoration, pattern and repetition.  The exhibition aims to challenge traditional perceptions of the decorative in a fine art context and open up a wider discourse about gender, politics and the validity of decoration in the broader schema of contemporary art today.  The artists’ works are not defined or constrained within traditional media and includes diverse processes such as stitching, sewing, embroidery, cutting, collage, folding and draping.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Some old bits and pieces

Found these photos knocking around and thought I'd share them. These are bits of work I made mostly in 2007 and stretching into 2008.

From the top:
Fabric Sandcastles. 2007/08. Temporary installation. Bed sheets, wood 200x60x60cm
Blankets. 2007. Temporary installation. Used blankets, stitching, dye 160x75cm each piece
Pillow talk. 2007. Pillow case, curtains, bleach 300x50cm
I remember when I was someone else. 2007. Reused artwork made from blanket and curtains, stitching 70x70cm

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Monday, 26 April 2010

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

some more Ta-Da

Crazy bird ladies...


...finally, as I am about to take down the work tomorrow, I have sorted my life out enough to post some pictures from the opening night. The show went really well, my favourite so far. Thank you all for coming.